About the Capacity Building Workshop

    The Capacity Building Workshop/Seminar is designed to serve as a forum for consultations between the local suppliers of goods, services, and personnel (including manufacturers) (together “Local Suppliers”) and the International Energy Companies (IECs), other project owners, and major contractors (Tier 1 and 2);

    to enable Local Suppliers to understand their needs and their procurement and bidding processes;

    as well as address Local Supplier capacity gaps identified to date from the inception of the Project; including those discussed at the Plenary Stakeholders Workshop, the One-to-One Engagement Sessions, and the Share Fair.

    The Capacity Building Workshop will help Local Suppliers enhance their ability to address the needs of the IECs, fulfil local content requirements and targets that will be set by the Local Content Unit, and be ready for the implementation of the FTAP.

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    Registration Form: Energy Capacity Building Workshop

    Energy Capacity Building Workshop
    Registration to the Energy Capacity Building Workshop
    Personal Information - Step 1 of 4