About Us


    The Project Execution Unit (PEU) was established to implement projects and programmes under the Sustainable Energy Framework for Barbados. The specific tasks include project management, monitoring and evaluation, procurement, risk management, public education and communication.
    Ms. Keisha Reid, Project Manager, is the head of the Project Execution Unit.


    The projects and programmes currently being implemented are summarised as follows:
    • Public Sector Smart Energy Programme (PSSEP), which is jointly funded by the IDB and the European Union (EU) in the sum of US$17 million and Euro 5.81 million respectively. This programme seeks to promote the use of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the public sector by retrofitting of thirteen (13) Government Buildings with Solar photo-voltaic systems and energy efficient technologies; retrofitting of the public street lights with energy efficient light emitting diodes (LEDS); implementing Electric Vehicle Pilot Project and conducting Ocean Energy Studies, Capacity Building, Institutional Strengthening, Public Educations and Awareness.
    • The second phase of the Sustainable Energy Investment Programme (Energy Smart Fund II) financed by the Inter-American Development Bank and European Union in the sum of US$45 million. The Energy Smart Fund II seeks to build on the success of the first phase of the programme, the Sustainable Energy Investment Programme (Energy Smart Fund I). It will consist of a series of financial mechanisms including low interest loans, technical assistance grants and rebates aimed at encouraging the business sector and general public to adapt to renewable energy and energy efficient technologies; as well as strategic renewable energy and energy efficiency investments within the public sector.
    • Technical Corporation Agreement for the Demonstration Smart Energy Buildings Project which is funded by the in Republic of Korea in the sum of USD$3 million (BBD$6.075 million) grant. This project will seek to reduce power consumption and peak load demand and the concomitant reduction in CO2 emissions in two sample buildings. These buildings are intended to serve as models for future deployment of smart technologies such as additional smart buildings, smart grids and smart cities.
    • Technical Cooperation for the Support to the Sustainable Energy Framework for Barbados (SEFB), which is financed by the IDB in the sum of US$200,000. This Technical Cooperation sought to conduct feasibility Studies for the development of new technologies: energy storage, electric mobility, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) and the deployment of renewable energy as well as provide technical support to the other programmes.
    • The planning of the BDS$10 million Residential Energy Efficiency Programme.

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